When Should You Repave Your Parking Lot

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Your parking lot sets the tone for what your guests can expect when they visit your business establishment.

It can either set a good first impression with the help of a well-maintained feel and appearance or a bad one with a bumpy, unsafe, and unattractive look.

That said, it’s crucial to make sure your parking lot is in its best condition at all times. With proper maintenance and care, it’s possible. However, it will inevitably come to a point when maintenance work and repairs will no longer do the trick, and it’s time to completely repave your asphalt. But how would you be able to tell when that time has come?

You wouldn’t want to waste money repaving your whole parking lot when simple patching is all you need, but you also don’t want to keep spending money on constant repairs when it’s already due for repaving.

Today, let’s discuss some of the questions you must answer to determine whether it’s time to finally repave your parking lot and call an asphalt contractor.

Does Your Parking Lot Flood and Hold Water?

Water is the number one enemy of any asphalt pavement. Water can penetrate small cracks and gaps in your asphalt and erode the soil below, which can lead to poor support of the pavement when it comes to handling heavy loads.  And if it freezes, it can expand and further damage the asphalt and leave a larger gap for water to sit into when it defrosts. That said, minor issues can still be repaired, depending on the extent of the damage and age of asphalt.

Is Your Asphalt Pavement Cracked and Faded

Cracks and fading in asphalt are inevitable. However, when left unchecked, small cracks can turn into bigger ones as it would let water penetrate the base soil underneath. While cracks and fading can be fixed with sealcoating and patching, if you’ve been experiencing the same issue over and over again, it’s time to call your local asphalt contractor.

Does Your Parking Lot Have a Good Base?

This one is more difficult to determine since it’s a part that’s not visible to you. The sub-base below your pavement serves as its foundation to withstand the heavy load from constant traffic. That said, if your sub-base is not up to par, it will likely cause potholes regularly, which can lead to expensive repairs, even when your asphalt is fairly new. If that happens, it might be a good idea to repave your parking lot soon.

Is There Smooth Integration With Existing Pavement?

The transition between your asphalt and the existing pavement must be smooth, even, and safe. If not, this might cause accidents, damages and might be a sign of poor installation. This can be fixed relatively quickly, but, it can also signify that your asphalt’s foundation is weak and slowly degrading.

Does Your Parking Lot Have The Right Thickness?

Aside from proper installation and premium materials, your asphalt’s durability heavily relies on its thickness to withstand heavier loads. If your asphalt is If your last contractor used a thin layer, it will constantly crack under pressure and can cause serious damage to your parking lot. If that’s something you encounter regularly, then it’s time to repave your asphalt.

Does Your Parking Lot Have a Proper Storm Drain?

Your parking lot must have a designated storm basin to catch the water that runs off your asphalt. When it’s sunken, damaged, or installed incorrectly, it can flood your parking lot and nearby streets. When that happens, expect more damage to happen if no action is done. That said, it’s crucial to check your storm basin and see if it needs repair otherwise, it could lead to complete repavement over time.

Is Your Parking Lot Stripped?

While a parking lot striping isn’t going to cause you to repave, it’s crucial in maintaining safety, orderliness, and convenience within your lot. This can help boost your guests’ safety and prevent accidents and make navigation easier for everyone. If this is an issue, you can easily have this taken care of with a good parking lot striping service.

Does Your Parking Lot Comply With Accessibility Laws?

Again, this concern wouldn’t cause any reason to repave. However, it’s a must for any business establishments with parking lots to comply with ADA. Otherwise, you’ll be exposing yourself to hefty fines and probably even costly lawsuits. If your parking lot is not compliant, or if you’re not sure that you are, then it’s time to get in touch with an expert asphalt contractor that can help you out. And if you’re planning to completely repave your asphalt, don’t forget to h

Victory Paving has spent more than 30 years in the asphalt industry, and we know everything about asphalt paving like the back of our hands. That said, we can help you identify if your asphalt is still up to par and can be improved with minor repairs or if it would require a complete repaving service to keep you from spending unnecessarily on hopeless issues.

With premium materials, extensive experience, and skillful personnel, you can be sure to get the most out of your asphalt parking lot investment by working with Victory Paving!

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